09 October 2013

Lugbara Dance

Gaze is a traditional Dance of the Lugbara People. This Youth Dance reflects the Transition of the Dance Movements into the Style of their Neigbours in the Congo and is spreading across Uganda. Meanwhile, Agwara is a Dance from the Lugbara and Kebu people in the West Nile Region, bordering the Congo and the Sudan. The Dance got its Name from the Agwaras, the local Trumpets. The Men play these Horns as the Women dance. Duluka which means "Dance" in Nubian Language, is considered another Lugbara Dance, a Community and Tourist Attraction where Music can even be played on Banana Stems, melodic Stuff; Nambi is performed at Weddings...

28 August 2013

Lugbara Kingdom?

Article 246, Section 3 and Sub-section 6 of the Constitution of Uganda defines a Cultural or Traditional Leader such as the Kabaka of Buganda and the Omukama of Bunyoro (plus Agofe of the Lugbara) as follows: “For the Purposes of this Article, ‘traditional leader or cultural leader’ means a king or similar traditional leader or cultural leader by whatever name called, who derives allegiance from the fact of birth or descent in accordance with the customs, traditions, usage or consent of the people led by that traditional or cultural leader”.

According to History, the Lugbara only had Clan Heads, not a tribal King but lived harmoniously. Can one overall democratic King strengthen their Unity? On WestNileNet (an Online Forum), Angelo Izama supports the Quest for a Lugbara Leader, “Good people, some of you may recognize that my name Angelo Opi-aiya Izama is similar to that of Angelo Adalla Izama, the late Paramount Chief of Madi. The late Izama is my Grandfather and I think my middle name ‘Opiaiya’ refers to the scattering of that Authority or put it differently Responsibility. I’m aware of the renewed Interest in redefining cultural Meaning of traditional Institutions driven mainly, in my View, by elite Accommodation of the recent Politics of political Patronage. There is nothing wrong with this. Political Organisations by their Nature are opportunistic and if there are some who argue that creating a Kingdom Status for the Lugbara has advantages - well, they should be allowed to make their Argument! It has however to be an intellectually honest Process. West Nile's egalitarian Nature, what has been described by Ambassador Harold Acemah as institutionalized traditional Republicanism, has always for me been a Higher Calling than some of the Pretensions to European-style Monarchy... Opi boronji (or the sons of Chiefs) as is my humble Heritage was not a Status that needed pampering by anyone but was a Call to Service as the Historiography attests. In Ma'adi cultural Tradition where the Opi and the Ojoo are summoned to constitute Structures of Need during Crisis - it’s done so that there is Leadership never as an Imposition of Rule as some have suggested. There is something special about this System that places a Premium on Responsibility and not Entitlement, on Power deriving from Authority and that Authority itself based on a Position of Responsibility…”

08 May 2013

The Funny Side of Learning Lugbara

Certain words have more than one meaning, so when pronouncing them, be sure of the sound! Otherwise, while introducing your husband (Ago), you might actually induce laughter by calling him a Pumpkin (Ago). Wild Pigs or Warthogs (Ezo), except maybe Pumbaa the Disney Cartoon, are not usually beautiful. But if your Girlfriend or Fiancée (Ezo) is beautiful, watch your Tongue! When describing parts of a House (Jo), you will be amazed. The Door is the House-Mouth (Jo ti), Floor is the House-Stomach (Jo ale), Roof is House-Head (Jo dri) but funniest of all, the Veranda is the House-Buttocks (Jo eti). When feeling sorry for someone, Baganda say "Bambi", but in Lugbara, that sounds like: Let us have sex ['Ba mbi]! So be careful how you use it! Some Bantu, Luo, Ateso and foreign names can actually be used as Lugbara phrases or words eg Baguma [They laughed at me], Rukundo [Name became famous later], Aine [Looking at Salt], Opiyo [No King], Onya [Whiteant], Mali [Wealth], Malaga [Spoon], etc...

29 September 2012

Lugbara Phrases

Pronunciation in Lugbara has diphthong clusters and other noteworthy phonetics including the following:
aa as in bat, for example embataa; c as in church, for example Candiru (which is also spelt Chandiru); dj as in jilt, for example odji, the ‘d’ is silent; ee as in emblem, for example Andree; gb as in bend, for example gbe, the ‘g’ is silent; i as in inn, for example di-i; oa as in oar, for example Adroa; oo as in old, for example ocoo, othertimes oo as in food, for example ‘doo; uu as in chew, for example cuu; z as in jean after n, for example onzi. Otherwise, most times remains z as in zebra, for example Ozu and when the first letter of a word. With this knowledge, you will be able to speak the phrases below.

Phrases Mi ifu ngoni? (How did you wake up?/ Good morning!); Ngoni? (How are you?); [Ma] Muke! ([I’m] Fine); Ma azoru! (I’m sick!); Abiri ni ma fufu! (Hunger is killing me!/ I’m hungry!); Sawa si? (What time is it?); Sawa alu o’bitisi. (7 AM in the morning) [To tell time, you mention the number on the opposite side of the clock. Sawa iri is 8 O’clock, Sawa na is 9 O’clock, etc]; Sawa mudri drini alu ondresi (5 PM in the evening); Mi efi! (Come in!); Ife mani ‘yi! (Give me water!); Kirikiri! (Please!); Iko ma aza! (Help me!); Ine! (See!); Mi a'bua ozi si? (How much do you sell bananas?); Ajeni si? (How much [is the price]?); Ale Obangulu! (I want mashed whiteants!); Ma mu Gili Gili-a ngoni? (How do I get to Gili Gili?); Arojo ngwa? (Where is the drugshop?); Mi ru adi-i? (What is your name?); Ma ru Joel-i! (I’m called Joel!); Awa’di fo! (Thanks!); Ale mi ra! (I love you!); Ma enga Ombaci-a. (I’m from Ombaci.); Mi aa ngoni? (Good afternoon!); Ma mu kanisa-a. (I’m going to church.); Mi ma agi! (You are my friend!); Ma mu Ariwara-a ngoni? (How do I get to Ariwara?); Mosikiti ngwa? (Where is the mosque?); Mi ma ji Ragem-a ra? (Can you take me to Ragem?); Iji ma Ediofe-a! (Take me to Ediofe!); Ba mucele ozi ngwa? (Where is rice sold?); Aleni ku! (I don't want!); Aje/ andru/ drusi/ drozi (Yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow); Ila muke! (Sleep well!)

Numbers 1. Alu, 2. Iri, 3. Na, 4. Su, 5. Towi, 6. Azia, 7. Aziri, 8. Aro, 9. Oromi, 10. Modri, [After mastering the first 10 numbers, the rest will be easy. Just add ‘drini’ (which means ‘on top’) to show numbers after 10 and other series. Some people just shorten it to 'ni'.], 11. Modri drini alu, 12. Modri drini iri, 13. Modri drini na, [Put ‘Kali’ (which means ‘counting stick’) before a corresponding number for 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 before adding 'drini'. For instance, 91 is 'Kali oromi drini alu'.], 20. Kali iri, 21. Kali iri drini alu, 22. Kali iri drini iri, 30. Kali na, 40. Kali su, 100. Turu alu [For numbers from 111, use 'drini' once, in this case Turu alu, modri drini alu.], 200. Turu iri, 1,000. Alifu alu, 1 M. Milioni alu.

07 June 2012

Prynce Charming

With a number of made films glossing his portfolio (e.g. feature length films: SRB [State Research Bureau] fittingly starts in Arua though on a tragic note in 1985, "A Good Catholic Girl" with High Definition Photography and "Battle of the Souls" about former devil worshipper Roger Mugisha, all directed by the tall Matt Bish - Roger's brother; "From the Ashes of Hatred", a Nollywood and UgaWood collaboration about a family which did not want their daughter to marry a Muganda; "The Road to Jamaa"; "On Time" (2008 Maisha Short Film); etc plus Music Videos/ TV Documentaries/ Commercials e.g. "Boo" by PRISCILLA KALIBALA; "Trouble in Paradise" - about the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Massacre - featuring as a rebel leader; Warid Beera Ko and "Nile Special (You've Earned It!)", etc; Prynce (Charming) Joel Okuyo (aka Lyhnnq-x)'s acting career has definitely taken off to the skies of international film. Maybe one day this Son of Arua will be crowned the “King of Cinema”. AFTERMATH: JOEL has won numerous international accolades in film including: Four time international award winning actor (2008), Best Supporting Actor (Balafon Film Festival, Italy 2009), Best Actor in Supporting Role Africa Movie Academy Awards, Nigeria 2010), Best Performance by an Actor/actress (Uhuru Film Festival, Ubuntu Village, Colorado, USA), Best Actor (ZIFF) 2011.

14 October 2011


Here's a plethora of Lugbara lyrics by a notable female artiste. Arguably one of the Best Solo Divas from West Nile (alongside Nebbi’s Susan Kerunen [Alur] who ‘kufika’-d [‘arrived’) onto the scene in the first decade of the 21st Century), LEILA CHANDIRU sings a lot about domestic relations, work and societal issues just like the fantastic Lugbara female duo of Betty & Gladys who are based in the UK. Straka of WBS TV’s Late Show actually thought she was Tanzanian. Leila is “Arua’s Gift to East Africa”.

In “Asi Onzi”, CHANDIRU sings about the worthlessness of a bad heart (filled with hatred, malice, envy or jealousy) or just a Heart of Darkness against someone who advances in life. In Lugbara tradition, it is believed that a black heart referred to as ‘Ole’ is the root of witchcraft. Having bad thoughts about someone is equivalent to offering the blood of a goat to a medicine-man to bewitch that person.

Hahahaha, Ah ah! Asi onzi ko 'ba aza ku ya!
Ine mi agi mile onzi si ku! Hahahahaha, Ah ah!

Drileba mavu ri MUNGU feni, ile mavu a’du ni ya?
Ka adri chandisi MUNGU ni ma aza ko ni
Songi songi ca masi ra
Jirani, ile mavu a’du ni?
Zanva ‘di, ile mavu a’du ni?
Oku ‘di, ile mavu a’du ni?
Agupi ‘di, ile mavu a’du ni?
Akini, ile mavu a’du ni ya?

Drileba mavu ri MUNGU feni ile mavu a’du ni ya?
Ka adri chandi si MUNGU ni ma aza ko ni
Songi songi ca masi ra
Jirani, ile mavu a’du ni?
Zanva ‘di, ile mavu a’du ni?
Oku ‘di, ile mavu a’du ni?
Agupi ‘di, ile mavu a’du ni?
Akini, ile mavu a’du ni ya?
Asi onzi di ma, 'ba ‘di, ma 'ye, ma 'ye ngonia?
Songi songi di ma, 'ba ‘di, ma 'ye ma dri fe ngoa ya?
Androndrua di ma, aka mi zi a 'ye mi a’du ni ya?
Ombili di ma, 'ba ‘di ama 'ye, ma 'ye ngonia?
Culture-a eri lu alu rile,
Kenya-a eri lu alu rile,
Tanzania-a eri lu alu rile,
Congo-a eri lu alu rile,
Sudan-a eri lu alu rile,
Ata mavu Arua-a ‘dia

Indrundrua ndro piri, ale mi zi zita alu si
E’dozu ili ajerisi pere andru mi isu alenia a'duni?
Baraza itia 'dia mi azi anzenzia nzezu
A’dia ma bongo si iri ku
Dribi lite 'di si iri ku
Agoni mu 'dale, 'ba dro eri ra
Azi ti-a 'ba dro eri ra
Businessi nze eri ra
'Ba kata emi ofe musarasi ta ’do emi lonyi be
Akuki 'ba ru ndroza ja, akuki 'ba ru ndroza ja!
Ama egaki e’yo ama edri ma dria
Angaki azi ama edri ma tambazu


Ma oja ni a’duni 'ba ‘di nyaku ‘di ma ‘dria
Ika eri ni afa fe, eco ni awa'difo ni feku
Ika erini afa fe ku, eri ‘yo mi asi onzi
Ika aa ayikosi, eri eca eri ma asi’a onzi
Ika chandi nya 'da eri ma ayiko ni
Eri te leri, ima nya chandi erini ta nyarile
Aza mi dria ‘di, MUNGU awa drileba ndu ndu
Ocori vuri fe-i, eri aci foloko nyaria
Indri vuri fe-i, eri aci eribi nyaria
Ite mivuri, MUNGU ni nga mivu ri fera

[CHORUS / Repeat Chorus till it fades around “Songi songi cha masi ra.”]

"Embeleke" by CHANDIRU LEILA is an uplifting song for people with a low self esteem. It does not matter what job you do, whether 'kyeyo' (Luganda for a sweeping job in a foreign land) or fishing, as long as you eat from it. So if anyone mocks you, just know that they are like 'Embeleke' (Lugbara for Chimpanze). When Gorillas see the red bottom of their friends, they laugh as though they do not have one. Do you get the wisdom now? When someone laughs at or talks ill about your job or anything else related to you, just remember they forget that there is a lot to say about theirs too. The message in this song is similar to the Gospel in Matthew 7:5 which warns, "You hypocrite! First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will be able to see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." Chandiru performs the song with a male colleague, some of the filming for the music video was done on the Northern Bypass in KLA City...
Embeleke ka i-agi ma iti ne (Eri gu si be imve)
Embeleke ka i-agi ma iti ne 'bo (Eri gu si be nya)
Eri idri ku 'dia, eri i-agi dri ne (Eri dri sa)
Eri idri ku 'dia, eri i-agi dri ne (Eri cere gbe)
Embeleke ka i-agi ma iti ne 'bo (Eri gu si be imve)
Embeleke ka i-agi ma iti ne (Eri gu si be nya)
Eri idri ku 'dia, eri i-agi dri ne (Eri dri sa)
Eri idri ku 'dia, eri i-agi dri ne (Eri cere gbe)

Ma adri la, ma amvi la, ye eh eh! Efini a'duni?
Ma adri la, ma amvi la, yo! Efini a'duni?
Katro coroni nga, 'da erivu aziri-i; Eri nya ani.
Enga azi mi drile-a ri, igu 'ba azi ku. Ama woro drici ri-a.
A'dia ki nga ofisi-a, iki la jo asesiri-a, 'da eri ma style ni.
A'dia ma bizinesi nga 'di, e'du 'di loni ni.
Mi asi ni su a'dusi. Mi a'dia piki ne 'di, iki aro du TASO-a.
Ite mi rua ri.

Nya nya ci le ndo. Embeleke 'ba ada 'be, isele coza yo.
E ka nga adre idri ru, igu 'ba ku, nyaku va 'di, tro papa alu ni ku.
Nya nya Chandiru ye, embeleke 'ba ada 'be, isele coza yo.
E ka nga adre idri ru, egu 'ba ku!
Nyaku vaa 'di tu pa, khee!
Ka mi omve muyaye, mi omve eri "mbeleke"
Ka mi omve malaya, mi omve eri "mbeleke"
Ka mi omve silimu pye, mi omve eri "mbeleke"
Ka mi omve marua ni, mi omve eri "mbeleke"


Lugbara emi ngua ya? Azi emi woro ci! ('Di Chandiru)
E'yo nyakuari ma ndu mba, 'ba zi lu MUNGU-i (Eri 'ba aza ko ra)
Mi etu ne fu 'da, te eri fu 'dale e'yo be (Lu 'ba ada ni)
Odekua osiria, 'ba eri osi cere gbe (E'yo 'duari ambamba)
Amani vini mviria ATA vu ama mvi cere be (A'ye izata ambamba)
Mi agi ka mi nde te, mi dri ko mu ojo-a (Mi izata nyaria)
Sende mini ico oti mi azakozuri (Enyeyile? dri)
Cika e ka mu ojo-a azo mi ruari si (Mi 'da mi tamba)
Embeleke ka i-agi ma iti ne 'bo (Eri gu si be imve)
Embeleke ka i-agi ma iti ne (Eri gu si be nya)
Eri idri ku 'dia, eri i-agi dri ne (Eri dri sa)
Eri idri ku 'dia, eri i-agi dri ne (Eri cere gbe) x4

"Malaya Nyama" by CHANDIRU LEILA featuring GEOFREY ATIKU is a lamentation about a man who spent all his money on a prostitute and got nothing but poverty out of the affair. He used to fly in a plane, cruise in a Benz and sleep at the Sheraton Hotel plus play with money but now he doesn't because the prostitute 'fleeced' him but she replies by saying that she did not force him to give her the money. The man wants her back but she can't return to him since he is now poor.

[GEOFREY:] Malaya nyama, malaya nyama kayi kayi
Malaya ohohoh, malaya nyama
Malaya nyama, malaya nyama kayi kayi
Malaya ohohoh, malaya nyama kayi kayi
[CHANDIRU:] Andama, ma azi andra mi ma-i ku
Mi sende ma inze okposi ku.
Advice mani fe miniri-i, "You should not talk to malaya again!"

Ma oku aci ndege si, malaya nyama
Ma oku aci Benz si, malaya nyama
Ma oku lapi Sheraton-a, malaya nyama
Ma oku lapi sende dria, malaya nyama
Ma oku avipi sende si, malaya nyama
Malaya ohohoh, malaya nyama kayi kayi


[GEOFREY:] A'di la ma tenda ni ra???, ma ogu malaya ku yo
Kiri kiri adri ma la, kiri kiri malaya ole ni
Kiri kiri anzi akua vini ra, kiri kiri malaya oleni
[CHANDIRU:] Ari kini mi ica mavu ni?
A'di kini mi imu mavu ni?
A'di pe mi ti mavu ni, a'di 'yo mi imu mavu ni?
Sende nde, mi ife ndra mi-i, heh!


Mi andra ma nya were were? (Eri te andra fe mi-i 'di)
Te mini nya 'borisi, mi idadri vule! (Adadri osubi nyaku yo)
Inya andra chips 'bo yo (Eh, ma nga azini nda)
Koma (a)wo! (Toyina sente, nze ndeka)
Kiri kiri, mi idadri! (Mivu sente yo) Audio Wave Production


"Geofrey" by CHANDIRU LEILA is a quadro-lingual song about a Love Relationship that is not based on money. The female doesn't care if the man is poor. Afterall her own father is loaded with Dollars and all she wants from her boyfriend is friendship, love and respect. Chandiru sings all this in Lugbara, Luganda en English while the man replies in Swahili close to the end.

Asile mani mi lezu ri, Geofrey, adri sende ni ku
Asile mani mi lezu ri, Geofrey, adri mali ni ku
Ikatro adri sende be, le mi iri ma indi
Ikatro adri mali be, le mi iri ma indi X2

Jeff, ne bwoba nga ofunye, Jeff, chensaba kitibwa
Jeff, ne bwoba nga ofunye, Jeff, chensaba mukwano
Jeff, ne bwoba nga ofunye, Jeff, chensaba ompulirize
Jeff, ne bwoba nga ofunye, Jeff, chensaba otule awo
Mi te kaadri sente be, le mi iri ma indi
Ale agini mali ku, le mi iri ma indi
Oso ma, mi ka tro adri mali be, le mi iri ma indi
Ma kini, mi ka tro adri sente be, le mi iri ma indi


I will prefer the poor one
He has got time to show me love
Ata ka aa mani maskini, nika liya apa
Ata ka aa mani moja, baba, tuta kula
Ata ka aa mani mali, ni sikilize!
Ata ka aa mani Dollar, ni sikilize!


[MAN'S VOICE:] Nimekuskiliza mupenzi wangu, nimekuskiliza bitch wangu
Ni haki na womba musamye???, nilikua busy kua kazini
Nilikua busy osusini, nimekusiwawu??? mpenzi wangu
Wanawome mpenzi wangu. Kutoka leo mwana wake, kua kusikilize
[CHANDIRU:] Ka adri sente si, ma ati vu sente ci
Ka adri mali si, ma ati vu mali ci
Ka adri Dollar si, ma ati vu Dollar ci
Ka adri ale si, ma ati le ma ra.

[CHORUS to fade]


"Andri Akosi" by KING WEEDAH is a song about gratitude towards Mothers for bringing us up. Without them, children suffer in this sorrowful world.

Dedication to all the mamas, King Weedah, Street Culture, listen!

Chandi mani nele nyakua 'dorisi, ma andri ka andra aa yo, ani te ku.
Chandi mani nele nyakua 'dorisi, mummy ka andra aa yo, ani te ku.
Mama, chandi mini isule masi 'dori, MUNGU ma fe lu mini awa'difoniri ni.
Mama, chandi mini isule masi 'dori, MUNGU ma ogo lu mini oridrini ri ni.
(Chandi ma ni nele nyakua 'dorisi, ma andri ka andra aa yo, ani te ku.
Chandi mani nele nyakua 'dorisi, mummy ka andra aa yo, ani te ku.)

Aya ako si, ayiko akua yo, le amafeki awa'difo ambo MUNGU ni tu
Mama, tambaza mini ma tambazu mboru ni 'dori, anini ku ma orodrini ogo adusiari
Ale lu emini, agupi worosi: Oku 'di(u)zu eri ma orodri aluani yo
Mama, chandi mini isu ma rua 'di chadi bo, kile anzi ma ati ni yo le, ale lu mini.
Nguli fipi mi tia o'du driasi 'do, kile anzi akua yo le, ale lu mini.


Osubi anzi ni nyale o'du driasi di, kile anzi ma ati ni yo le, ale lu mini ya.
Malaya mini lele o'du driasi 'do, kile okuyi akuale yo le.
Afa 'di mini ndale ruani, adu afani ya, anzi drici jua abirisi 'do.
Oh, MUNGU iko ama aza!
Oku azi leni ai azi ma nva ku.
'Badi, andri akosi, envu anzi odra akua abirisi do.


Dedication to all the mamas; Listen!

Mama, itru 'di ma te!
Izata mani iza mivuri, fudri ci tu.
Alu ndra mini anvu iwa ku 'deri ma iwa nvu.
Alu ndra mini ase taba ku, 'deri ma taba se.
Alu ndra mini ma ogu ku, 'deri ma oguo ni.
Acita mani nibe 'dosi, ayiko mi asia yo.
Wo, mama, (ayiko mi asia yo X2). Wo!


"Monica" by KING WEEDAH is a heartfelt marriage proposing ballad to a love interest named Monica.


It’s a wicked dedication to Monica, a man called King Weedah, West Nile, Street Culture, big ups to Andrew!

Ama ama du mibe ra, mi asi ma oti ku Monica!
A'dusikuni leta mani mibe 'di, eri leta aria dri, Monica.X2

O'du alidibo, akusiza nde ma te.
Adusikuni 'ba azi mani leta inapi mani yo.
Monica idu 'di ma-i do!
Ba’di, ma do ‘ye ngoni?
Mavu mali yo, kanisi ma adripi ika mu aku-a dale,
Ilu Monica ni, me isu afazi were aku tambazu bo.

Repeat [CHORUS]:

Monica, leta mini mavu 'di feni ako o'du ku.
Orobi ni ma obi mi ru si.
Enira, honey aleta mi igodri, ama ici ti alu.
Ecozu aku amani zozu, aku ambo ru.
Monica, oh, oh!
Monica, oh ooooh!

Repeat [CHORUS]:


It’s a thin line between paper and pen, love and hate.
Just I like to keep in touch ‘coz I love you.
Even though I have nothing to say.
I look for you up and down, left right.
When you need me, I will get there.
Baby love for the money never lasts long.
Even though am broken down, I still love you.
If loving is a crime, I’m guilty.
I’m searching for ‘True Love’.

[Sing CHORUS twice]:
(It’s a wicked dedication to Monica.
A man called King Weedah, West Nile, Street Culture, big ups to Andrew!
It’s a wicked dedication to Monica)

Ama ama du mibe ra, mi asi ma oti ku, Monica!

"Geri Nyazuri" by KING WEEDAH is a groovy Song about Ways to Earn a Living. It doesn’t matter how small the Job seems, just save, unite with others to eradicate Poverty but don’t gossip.

Chu-Chu Records, Selector Stuart, King Weedah Street Culture, Lugba-flow! Boom, (boom, boom)!

Geri mani nyazu, mini ndazu 'dori,
Ijini aluani ku.
Geri mani acizu, mini isuzu 'dori,
'Ba’di ijini aluani ku.
Lonyi nyakuni ma ewa 'doni ya,
Ijini aluani ku.
Chandi nyaku 'do ma dri-a 'doni ya,
Ijini aluani ku.

Asi onzi, kini kini, le aku di ja!
Lonyi 'diri afa nyakuni, ika icora.
Amani isule were 'bo ‘di, amba tani fo!
Amboru, MUNGU ni nga fera.
Andrusi drusi, jirani a'du e’yo ni ya.
Ane di 'bo, e’yo nya ama 'bo.
Midri katro osuru boda boda onzuzu,
Mi asi dri ku, ‘di midri nyazuri.


Tedi a'du ma e’yo si ya,
Amani ama ru nzezu o’dudriasi.
Le ama ri va, ama ici ti tualu.
Ecozu alioni drozu fo, agara.
Androndroa drozu aku ma esele-a si-i,
Angani afazini isuku yo,
'Ba’di I'yere I'yere okuku mu ce re 'do.
Igu ma ku!
'Di mavu nyazuri-i.


[Repeat VERSE ONE]:


07 October 2011


LEKU CULTURE sings “Angayika” as a ballad targeted at a love interest that is playing hard to get. The artiste actually hints on the fact that a woman becomes family property in Lugbara Culture so if the basis for winning her heart is money, “they” (referring to his family) will pay…The singer tells his beloved woman how she stole his heart and wants her to come to him. “Home affairs are hard. If you are not a man, you cannot manage them…”

Angayika, ale mi ru ‘di nera
Zamva ‘di, e’du ma asi ‘dele
Ma 'ye ngoni, inze nga mani, ale te eko ama aza
Orobi ni ma obi mi ru si inira, ma ne ‘dini, mi di eca mi emu
Mamu enga deni mi ini yo
‘Badi la enya ma adji ma ti-a ku yo.

Angayika, ale mi ru ‘di nera
Zamva ‘di, e’du ma asi ‘dele
Ma 'ye ngoni, inze nga mani, ale te eko ama aza
Orobi ni ma obi mi ru si inira, ma ne ‘dini, mi di eca mi emu
Mamu enga deni mi ini yo
‘Badi la enya ma adji ma ti-a ku yo.

Ele a’du, eyo nga mani mi inza ma ku ma adji ‘di mivu
Ka adre mali ni manga fera, mi onzoroko e'yo ‘disi ku
Ele a’du e’yo nga mani! Mi ica ama mvaku ama adji ‘di mivu
Ka adri mali ni amanga ofera. Mi onzoroko e’yo ‘disi ku yo.


Aku ma ewa ambamba, ‘Badi la nde re
‘Ka adre agupini ku, mi weza ku
Alete ewa ni ne, Angayika mi imu, mo a mibe 'dole
Anya enya ku, enya nde ma ra
Amvu yi ku, iyi ma ewa ambamba
Ako o’du ku, Angayika mi imu, mi imu, amo a mibe 'dole.


Angayika ene nga ma, MUNGU alu ale mi ndrera
Aka mi ji madri, ma enza mi ku
Ale ama leru mibe, asi alusi ya!
Ene ngoni, anze di nze?
Ka adre onzia ni, e’yo nga mani!
Ma ku ja, afa zini mavu ‘di yo ya.

Ele a’du? E’yo nga mani!
Mi nza ma ku, ma aji ‘di mivu!
Ka adri mali ni, ma nga fera, Mi onzoroko e’yo ‘di si ku
Ele a’du e’yo nga mani. Mica ama mvaku ma aji ‘di mivu
Ka adri mali ni, ama nga ofera. Mi onzoroko e’yo ‘disi ku yo!

M.I.T.G. Lyrics

"Peacock" by M.I.T.G is a fast-beat song about a girl who enjoys the world. She is neither so educated nor efficient in doing work but her beauty covers up for all that. She makes a living out of her peacock beauty wherever she goes whether Kampala, Nairobi or Mombasa.
'Zanva ni 'di angu nya peacock le yo, mama mama
'Zanva ni 'di angu nya peacock le yo ('Dosi eri lu kabina ya taya lu taya)
'Zanva ni 'di angu nya peacock le yo, mama mama
'Zanva ni 'di angu nya peacock le yo ('Dosi eri lu kabina ya taya lu taya)

Ayee, yeye yeye ye! Uuh! She's the one that am approaching, mama, umh!
This kind of temptation, yeh. The lady that am falling for, mama, umh!
With this crazy notion, Yeh! She shakes her body, in a ras style, eh.
She moves (her) slender body. Peacock!


'Dosi lu kabina ya taya (Agupi i'de 'bo)
'Dosi lu mile ja fula (Karile i'de 'bo)
'Dosi lu agati ga taba (Mzee i'de 'bo)
'Dosi lu dribi i'de taya (Silingi i'de 'bo)
(Katro skulu la ku, asini 'de ku yo X2)
(Katro azi niku, asini de ku yo X2)
A'dusikuni ruani nya angu ambamba yo
A'dusikuni ruani woro malini yo


Zanva ni 'di angu nya peacock le
Bicho ni 'di angu nya peacock le
Oci Sitani be angu nya peacock le
'Dosi eri ca Kampala'a, eri angu nya alurile
Katro ca Nairobi'a, eri angu nya aluri le
'Dosi ca Mombasa'a, eri angu nya alurile
Zanva ni 'di angu nya peacock le. Mama mama, mama!
Silingi nilu lu nvani yo, mama mama, mama!
(Zanva ni 'di angu nya X4)


[VERSE ONE again]

Ayee, yeye yeye ye. Zanva ni 'di angu nya ([ECHO] nya nya), mama mama!
Zanva ni 'di angu nya ([ECHO] nya nya), taya lu taya
Zanva ni 'di angu nya ([ECHO] nya nya), Leone Island

[CHORUS X4 till fade]

FAT A. Lyrics

"Ambaa" by the talented FAT A is an upbeat jam directed towards people who criticise you. The singing voice answers them back by saying, "Do what you do, leave what you leave, work what you work. I will do what I do and leave what I leave!"

Onyonyi, tikina tayi. 'Balini, haa!
Onyonyi, tikina tayi. 'Balini!

Amba zuzu a'ye a'duni, agu 'di ene nga ma
Amba zuzu a'ye a'duni, agu 'di eku ma ja!
Eyo, emi e'do 'di andra 'ba mba, a'ye a'duni? Amba di ma 'bo.
Yeye, emi e'do 'di andra 'ba mba, a'ye a'duni? Amba 'di ma 'bo.
(I'ye mini 'yeri, ma mani 'yeri 'ye
Iku mini ku ri, ma mani kuri ku X4)

I'ye mini 'ye ri, iku mini ku ri, i-nga mini nga ri, mini oturi le.
'Ba dria ma nzi 'di mile wu 'do-i, Ewu 'do ja-i 'bo, oh!
E ka mini asi misi ku, mi imu isu, 'Ba lu di mu mi ngu!
Tena 'ba nga mi ngu adusiari, mi ni ra? I-nga ni mu ni ku.
'Ba 'di ki lu vuti e'yo bi ru. Ekileri lezu lu itu ongo irizu
Ani agu ka ini e'yo 'di iri 'bo, imba tani muke, eri drinia ci yo
I'ye mini 'ye ri, i'ku mini kuri, i-nga mini nga ri, ma mani ngari nga.
I'ye mini 'ye ri, iku mini kuri, inga mini nga ri, mini oturi le!


I'ye mini yeri, iku mini ku ri, inga mini ngari, mini oturi le
Agu 'di, ata e'yo mi vu zuzu amba ni 'di, nde nga ma okpo te ye.
Ini lu-i 'ba mba-i kani adusia ri, mani ani nga ini ku
Tena MUNGU fe mini omi ala, rua ala be, afa nyazu ra
Ini lu mini afa nda ku, ini lu: 'ba ni osubori nyazu te
Ika 'yo ini afa nya tu, afa nde di 'di; 'ba nde ifi nya-i yo
I'ye mini 'ye ri, iku mini kuri, inga mini nga ri, ma mani ngari nga
I'ye mini 'ye ri, iku mini kuri, inga mini nga ri, mini oturi le!



('Ba akuari ma pa inze fe 'ba kuari vu,
'Ba amveri ma pa inze fe 'ba amveri vu.
Afa azi agu ma afa 'du 'bo, midri ni mba pembere, kongolo ta ci X2)
Amba di ma 'bo, wo wo, no no no. Oooh ye!
Amba di ma 'bo, wo wo, akini ata amba si yo!
Okello ma ti 'diari efe 'bo ce, akini ata amba si yo.
Zakaria ma au 'dia ri mi ogo 'bo ce, akini ata amba si yo.

[CHORUS till fade]
...amba di ma 'bo (No no no, oooh ye! Amba di ma 'bo, wo wo. Akini ata amba si yo.
Okello ma ti 'diari efe 'bo ce, akini ata amba si yo.
Zakaria ma au 'dia ri mi ogo 'bo ce, akini ata amba si yo.)

LADY J. Lyrics

LADY J. brings a soulful flavour to Lugbara Music with her songs. In "Dramaza"), she sings in Lugbara and Swahili about living freely and enjoying the good things in your life namely Music, Dance, Drums, Adungu and Beer. So when you see her dancing, don't look at her in a bad light! Everything on earth ends here, then we meet our FATHER, HIS Name be praised!

Oooh yeh, (We are the Queen fi di dancehall)
Ma adri pi, ma anvu pi, mi iri nga ma. (Pan de West Nile …)
E’yo nyaku driari ni asi ‘dia
Bule-a dale, ayiko tua yo
Ani, ani.

Aka ma ongo ngo, angoki
Aka ma ongo tu, atuki
Aka ma ari co, acoki
Aka ma adungu tu, atuki
(Aka ma ewa nvu, anvuki, anvuki, anvuki X2)

Nyaku mini neri iri ambo, Stani tua yo.
E’yoki vini drini-a tre ambamba
Azoki 'dia 'di 'ba-i odra.
Dra nini ode ku, dra nini amba ku.
Eri ama 'du tia.
A'di iji dra ni? Ilu anga mani!
'Ba kata atri atri, mata atri ra.
Saa erini ‘ba duzuri, ‘ba nini ku.
Vini mini isu’bori, ma adri, inya nya.
'Bule-a ‘dale ayiko tua yo, akaki mu Ata vu, Ru ni ovu inziza ru
Disco yo, ewa yo, (ani X4)


Dra ma azo ambamba, 'ba ‘di Lugbara la.
Eri mi ‘du o'duasi kile orobile
Ka vini mi 'du ‘bo, mi ida dri ku
Imvu imi awuzi be imi-i ku
Edri ma spare yo Lugbara la.
Katra adrici cika amajeje
A'dusikuni o'du ama ‘ba-i woro
Ani, aka ma ayiko zu, ineki ma onzi ku!
Aka ma ongo tu, ma tu ani.
Koboko, Yumbe azi imi ci!
Moyo, Adjumani, aku mi ku!
(Atu ki X6)


Zamva akuari efi ra, munipe ma Club!
Nataka nyinyi yote kwa dancing floor.
Lewo ni siku yakukatika na muziki.
Akuna usingize, ama hakuna mapigano.
Ma ongo ngo emini ayiko fezu.
Ma fans, ma friends, ma muke too.
Izu ayiko mi asi-a ri, denga podi idranga kuru.
Inya mini nyari, dika iku mini kuri.
Drama saa yo, dra ma o’du yo.
Ika dra 'bule-a le, nyaku ni mi ka.
Ani aka ma ayiko zu, ineki ma onzi ku.
Wanyedemu zawo, muwashike kwa kikono!
Oki kose demu,
Oni pigiye telefoni (paka last X3)


"Amazu Ayiko" by LADY J. is a feel good song calling on all Lugbara to have fun instead of letting the sorrow in the world to fill their hearts.

Maracha Yivu anzi emi ngoa, eh?
Ayivu, Terego. Zamva emi vu akuari ifi ra, eh!
O'du andruri 'bani ayiko zuzu ri.
Le ama zu ayiko!

Le amazu ayiko, ma adripi, ma amvupi, amazu ayiko
Le amazu ayiko, ma atipi, ma andripi, amazu ayiko
Le amazu ayiko, ma edapi, ma a'bipi, amazu ayiko
Le amazu ayiko, ma agoyi, ma awupi, amazu ayiko!

Chandi nyaku driari, 'ba ma 'ba asi-a ku, amazu ayiko
Egata tata ri, 'ba ma ega eri ku, amazu ayiko
Silimu tata 'di, 'ba ma asi ma mbamba, amazu ayiko
E'yo nyaku dri-a 'do ki, ewaru, amazu ayiko
Le mi ma ne mi agi ni mile onzi si ku, amazu ayiko
Le ama ngu ama sende ma e'yo si ku, amazu ayiko!


Arua la, amazu ayiko
Koboko la, amazu ayiko
Yumbe la, amazu ayiko
Moyo la, amazu ayiko
'Ba 'di Lugbara la(u), ama iciti ci, amazu ayiko
'Ba 'di Lugbara la(u), ama woro alu, amazu ayiko
'Ba 'di Ayivu la(u), ama nguru ku, amazu ayiko
'Ba 'di Aringa la(u), ama coru ku, amazu ayiko
'Ba 'di Terego la(u), ama awaru ku, amazu ayiko
'Ba 'di Maracha la(u), amazu ayiko, amazu ayiko!


[Repeat VERSE ONE]